Did you know that we´re a little younger now than we were when we published our previous post? Yeah we left New Zealand in the afternoon only to arive earlier in Chile on the very same afternoon, could you credit it?! I did feel rather spritely getting off the plane I must admit. We were met in arrivals by our brand new travel buddy Shephali and we continued into town.

So there we were in South America feeling a bit bored with staying in guesthouses and hostels so we decided to try something different in Santiago and stay in a fridge. The fridge was cunningly disguised as a hostel but we soon uncovered the truth as we pulled the icicles out of our beards. We weren´t going to let the fridge spoil our fun however so we ventured out and found our way to the Barrio Brasil, a funky boho area, where we sampled our first of many empanadas (tasty pastries with veg and cheese filing) yum yum, followed by a few litres of vino tinto (that´s red wine for those of you who aren´t fluent in spanish like myself) in an attempt to keep off the cold and show the fridge we weren´t scared to stay put.

Following the showers from hell the following morning we gobbled down our breakfast and took to the streets yet again. It was a beautiful sunny day in Santiago and the city had a sparkle to it as we sauntered up the main avenue. A big change from Asia certainly and we kinda had a holiday feeling about us.

First stop Santa Lucia for some fantastic panoramic views with snow capped mountains as a backdrop, very huge mountains at that, Los Andes perhaps?

Had a spot of lunch at a sunny sidewalk cafe and then carried on to the very grand Musee Belles des Artes to ingest some arts and culture.

More art then in the form of street art which is hugely popular in Chile. Every wall of every alley is an explosion of colourful and interesting work. There´s no ´I woz ere B4U´s here! Most of the rest of our day was spent taking it all in. Empanadas for dindins again after.

We bid farewell to the fridge the next morning and jumped on the bus to Valparaiso two hours up the road. All agreeing that the fridge thing wasn´t really working out for us, we checked into Patricia´s (pronounced Pahthreesseeah) B&B and treated ourselves to a nice room with cable TV and a shower next door that sprouted a great stream of hot water at the turn of a tap, magic and luxury combined!

Following our magic showers we took our nice clean bodies aboard a small boat for a wee trip of the harbour viewing some fat fat fat sea lions, a few stray pelicans, some military vessels and the beginnings of a beautiful sunset, we even had a go at being cap´n for a short spell.

A majestic breakfast served up by Patricia herself geared us up for the next day´s activities which basically entailed just walking around and taking in the fairy-tale-like beauty of Valparaiso as well as taking our chances on a few rickety old escalators which link up some of the streets lying on different levels of the city. Definitely one of the most colourful cities I have had the pleasure of spending a few days in, and the graffiti? Even better than Santiago we think.

We received a surprise visit from Carolina, a lovely chilean friend whom we had met in Asia, in the afternoon of the next day and she very kindly spinned us around for a bit. We stopped off at Cierro Abierto for a look at more outdoor art, this time in the form of abstract murals painted by some famous chilean artists and stretching out over a series of winding stairs, streets and alleys.

Valparaiso is a place we could have quite easily stayed for much much longer but time is ticking by at this stage and we wouldn´t want to arrive in Rio a week or two late and find that our flight had gone home without us now would we?!
Jesus Shrem , As I was reading that, I was imaganing that it was Les on the Keyboard.....Are ye slowly turning into eachother, or are you taking credit for Leslies writing?
So did ye go to Emmas friends resturant?
The pictures are truly amazing, and the colours are soo vivid and truly the most brightes colours that I have ever seen.
And the people? Well they just look so friendly, Id say ye have met the happies people in the world on this epic journey.
I say lads wait till ye come home, no jobs I say. Luckly I still have the Monday job, and at the moment I am doing a mural on a traveller site. Our Lady, Jesus on a cross, roses, boxing gloves and a few horses, simple as that?
I say it will surpass anything ye have seen there in valparaiso.
Well tell me again , exactly what day do ye arrive into Dublin, please, I would love to come and welcome ye.
At the moment I am knitting a Red Carpet.
X for Les X for Shrem
Oh I should have done a spell check, before I publishes that.
imaganing is supposed to be imagining
the most brightes - BRIGHTEST
the happies people - HAPPIEST of course
That is all for now.
Thanks lads for taking me to Valpariso, if only in my mind for 5 minutes.
Ah lads, come here to me now .... empanadas and vino tinto - sounds fabulous - let's do it!!!! What stupendously, sumptuously, magnificent pictures of Santiago and Valparaiso - loved the view with the snowcapped mountains as a backdrop - beautiful. Wonderful street art and richly, bright-coloured houses and seemingly elegant architecture too - a feast for the senses! All this and .......... ye both wrapped up in your GORGEOUS wee, woolly hats :-) Sweeeeeeeeeet!! xx
Yeah, whatever Jules said . I agree.
Are ya not tempted to come to SAN fran and hang around with me and Helena AUg 5th - 12th ???
xxx Emma
ps Do ya want to sublet my house in Stoneybatter ??? SEPT 10th 2009 -- JULY 2010
(me and donny are moving to stockholm )
Ya lads, SAN FRAN, ten years later?
No END UP or 10:15 this time though.
I'll share my Borrito with you again Les.
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