If we thought we had seen alot of temples so far on the trip it was nothing compared to the amount of them in the magical Bagan. Bagan´s temples come second only to Angkor Wat in Cambodia in terms of importance in South East Asia. We didn´t have time to count them all so we took the word of a few locals who gave us a figure of about 4000 to play with. A big earthquake a few years back knocked a great deal of them to the ground but it still all looked mighty impressive to us. We pedalled around in the rain and saw as much as we were able to but alas to capture the magic on camera proved a bit of a challenge. So neither pictures nor words can do this sacred city the justice it deserves therefore we suggest you go and visit it yourselves!!

Kraina tych niezliczonych świątyń jest niesamowita, taka bajkowa i mimo deszczu potrafimy sobie wyobrazić tą cudowność, popadamy w zachwyt i piejemy nad wspaniałością tegoż krajobrazu!!!
Buziaki. Jadziadzia :-)
i tak przekazujecie super atmosfere miejsc co tam kilka nieudanych fotek te zamieszczone sa ciekawe i daja przyjemnosc ogladania i podrozowania z wami
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