We decided that we deserved some(more)relaxation time(again)in Luang Prabang having trekked our little hearts out in Luang NamTha and that is what we got. A host of beautiful French cafes flank the main street where pastries and coffee are served with great gusto to hungry westerners. Elegant French architecture is everywhere you look and the slow pace of the tiny city wholly draws you in, so that within hours you're chillin' like a local.

Along the banks of the Mekhong can be found a string of small family-run restaurants with attractive decks hanging over the river. Taking our new local roles very seriously we could be found on these decks during any mid-morning, devouring some spicy Lao soup for breakfast, and enjoying the view of flag-adorned boats cruising up and down the murky Mekhong waters.

If it's Wats your after you'll not be disappointed either, we engaged in a spot of Wat inspecting ourselves. The temples in Laos are somewhat more rustic than some of their Thai relatives, making for an altogether less polished photo opportunity. They still are smothered in lashings of gold, gems and dragons though, just so none of the drama is lost.

The rains came for two of our days spent in Luang Prabang which made it feel even more cosy than before. We spent the entirety of these days sitting in cafe after cafe followed by more cafes, we just love coffee!

And there was more to be excited about... Baguettes! Yup, incredible big doughy french baguettes with a choice of filling, all whipped together by some cheeky Lao ladies and served with a smile. We were no strangers to putting away two or even three of these babies each in a day, and that's before we even got started on the vegetarian buffet at the night market. The night market is the place to stock up on Beerlao tshirts and local handicrafts too should you be that way inclined.

...Oh and the Beerlao washed all the carbs down ever so well. We had so much fun guzzling bounteous amounts of beer and cocktails with our new French best friend, Celine. French tour 2010, chalk it down! A bientot xx

A Wy moi drodzy nie mozecie zrobic brzydkich zdjec zebym to napisala co za szmire wystawiacie? pieknie pieknie jak zwykle, nuuuda hihi. Buzka i te mysli musza coraz dalej podrozowac zeby byc z Wami, takie z Was obiezyswiaty :-) ale mysle i jestem z Wami, podazam w strone New Zeland
The dragons and a chair... So quiet... Beautifull.
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