Huge boulders stand ominously atop of rocky hills over-looking the temple we had seen so many times in pictures and were now seeing in reality as we set foot in the tiny, meat free, booze free, village of Hampi. The towering temple is plonked slap bang in the middle of all the bustle of the busy bazaar and reaches an impressive fifty metres in height. The village itself is a colourful maze of antiquated houses and pretty little restaurants and guesthouses, the owners of which weren't at all shy about taking advantage of the festive rush by bumping up their prices to whatever figure took their fancy. We settled on a room eventually and took to the streets for a wander. The cafes in Hampi tend to lure you in many times a day with the promise of cool drink in the shade, it's hot as hell in these here parts.

We equipped ourselves with the latest in lavender bicycles for a spin to the surrounding areas for a goo at some more tantalising temples and busy little villages where we ran into a whole school of young lads all mad to get their photo taken.

If you ever do make it to Hampi a trip to The Mango Tree restaurant on the outside of the village is a must. Set under a huge mango tree, it offers great river views and serves some hard to beat dishes on banana leaves, how exotic!

1 comment:
I LOVE the lavender bicycles and the smiles of those local lads are so sunny! More wonderful photes too - fab!! Jx
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